www-Sharp.ClrHost DataView DSO object

Represents ADO.Net DataView. It lets youáuse ADO.Net DataView as source for data bindingsá(dataSrc and dataFld attributes)áon HTML page.á

ADO.Net DataSet may be initially filledá with data using Xml and XmlSchema parameters or from DBMS (SqlServer, OleDb source etc.) using AssemblyName, DataAdapterTypeName, ConnectionTypeName, ConnectionString, TABLE_XXX and RELATION_XXX parameters.




Property Description
DataTable ADO.Net DataTable instance. This object is not COM-visible so its properties and methods can not be used from script directy. But ADO.Net DataSet may be passed as parameter to .Net method (for example, method of object created with ClrDomain.CreateInstance or object placed onto HTML page as ClrInstance).
DataView ADO.Net DataView instance. May be null if UseView is false. This object is not COM-visible so its properties and methods can not be used from script directy. But ADO.Net DataSet may be passed as parameter to .Net method (for example, method of object created with ClrDomain.CreateInstance or object placed onto HTML page as ClrInstance).
DataSetID ID of www-Sharp.ClrHost DataSetDSO object. DataSetDSO should be on the same page as DataViewDSO.
TableName Name of the table in ADO.Net DataSet for which DataViewDSO is bound.
AssemblyName The display name of the assembly. For example, "System.Data, Version = 1.0.5000.0, PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089, Culture = neutral" (without quotes).
DataAdapterTypeName Full type name (with namespace) of DataAdapter object. For example, "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter" or "System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter".
ConnectionTypeName Full type name (with namespace) of Connection object. For example, "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection" or "System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection". Currently this parameter is not used.
ConnectionString Gets or sets the string used to open a database.
CommandText Gets or sets the SQL statement or stored procedure to execute at the data source.
CommandBuilderTypeName Full type name (with namespace) of CommandBuilder object. For example, "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder" or "System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder". This parameter is used to with Update() method.
QuotePrefix QuotePrefix for CommandBuilder.
QuoteSuffix QuoteSuffix for CommandBuilder.
Filter Gets or sets the expression used to filter which rows are viewed in the DataView.
Sort Gets or sets the sort column or columns, and sort order for the DataView.
RowStateFilter Gets or sets the row state filter used in the DataView.
UseView If true - use DataView, if false - DataTable. Default is true.
Columns Columns collection of DataTable. Provides information about columns in DataView.
Namespace Gets or sets the namespace for the XML represenation of the data stored in the DataTable.
Prefix Gets or sets the namespace for the XML represenation of the data stored in the DataTable.
ExtendedProperties[string Name] Gets the customized user information associated with the DataTable.


Method Description
Open Opens DataView or DataTable. Called automatically when object loads.
Close Closes DataView or DataTable.
EndEdit Ends an edit procedure for current row. Called automatically when moving to new row. Edit procedure begins automatically when first value is changed.
CancelEdit Cancels an edit procedure for current row.
AcceptChanges Commits all the changes made to this table since the last time AcceptChanges was called. This method affects DataTable.
RejectChanges Rolls back all changes that have been made to the table since it was loaded, or the last time AcceptChanges was called. This method affects DataTable.
Reset Resets the DataTable to its original state.
Compute(string Expression, string Filter) Computes the given expression on the current rows that pass the filter criteria. This method affects all rows in DataTable.
Refresh Calls EndEdit and refreshes HTML data bindings.
CreateChildView(int RowNumber, string RelationName) Returns a DataView for the child DataTable. RowNumber is 1-based.
Update() Calls the respective INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements for each inserted, updated, or deleted row in the DataView or DataTable.


Parameter Description
DataSetID ID of www-Sharp.ClrHost DataSetDSO object. DataSetDSO should be on the same page as DataViewDSO.
TableName Name of the table in ADO.Net DataSet for which DataViewDSO is bound.
AssemblyName The display name of the assembly. For example, "System.Data, Version = 1.0.5000.0, PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089, Culture = neutral" (without quotes).
DataAdapterTypeName Full type name (with namespace) of DataAdapter object. For example, "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter" or "System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter".
ConnectionTypeName Full type name (with namespace) of Connection object. For example, "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection" or "System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection". Currently this parameter is not used.
ConnectionString Gets or sets the string used to open a database.
CommandText Gets or sets the SQL statement or stored procedure to execute at the data source.
CommandBuilderTypeName Full type name (with namespace) of CommandBuilder object. For example, "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder" or "System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder". This parameter is used to with Update() method.
QuotePrefix QuotePrefix for CommandBuilder.
QuoteSuffix QuoteSuffix for CommandBuilder.
Filter Gets or sets the expression used to filter which rows are viewed in the DataView.
Sort Gets or sets the sort column or columns, and sort order for the DataView.
RowStateFilter Gets or sets the row state filter used in the DataView.
UseView If true - use DataView, if false - DataTable. Default is true.
Columns Columns collection of DataTable. Provides information about columns in DataView.